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Denemarken Belgie Mercator.jpg

Denmark & Belgium

Carta Marina of Olaus Magnus

facsimile of the 1539 and 1572 map


Cosmopraphia, per Gemmam Phrysius, apud Louanienses Medicum ac Mathematicum

Petri Apiani and Gemma Frisius: Cosmopraphia, per Gemmam Phrysius, apud Louanienses Medicum ac Mathematicum insignem,Denuo restituta. Additis de eadem re ipsius Gemma Phry. Libellis, quos sequens pagina docet. MD XL


British Isles Map

Munster's Cosmographia


De Principiis Astronomiæ & Cosmographiæ de Orbis Divisione & Insulis

Gemmae Phrsysii Medici ac Mathematici


Carta Marina of Olaus Magnus

Woodblock map of Scandinavia with latitude and Longitude coordinates.


Mercator's Worldmap

1961 Facsimile of the famous Worldmap from Rotterdam


Gilded sundial or 'Horologiu Aequinocti '

Box-shaped gold-plated brass universal equinoctial sundial with lid and hanging eye. The lid serves as a universal equinoctial sundial. The engravings and decorations with leaf and flower motifs are blacked.
Dated 1572. Probably not used at sea.


Nieuwe onderwijsinge op de principaelste puncten

Coignet Michiel, De Zeevaert oft Conste van ter Zee te varen + Nieuwe onderwijsinge op de principaelste puncten der Zeevaert. Very rare first edition of this important work for the navigation in the Low Countries


Blocking the river Scheldt in Antwerp

Italian print of the sieg of Antwerp


Lapis Polaris Magnes, Stradanus, Engraving by Philips Galle

1591 Phls Galle Engraving: Lapis Polaris Magnes. From Nova repertes illustrating the invention of the Compass


Zelandicarum Insularum exactissima et nova descriptio

From Ortelius' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, the first modern Atlas of the World: Zelandicarum Insularum exactissima et nova descriptio autoro d. Iacobo a Daventria (Deventer)


Street of Magellan

from Hondius/Mercator Atlas


Mercator and Hondius a double Portret

Frontpiece of the Mercator Hondius Atlas


Orbis Longitudines Repertae e Magnetis a Polo Declinatione.

Discovery of the Longitudes method by Johannes Plancius from 'Nova Reperta


Geographia Generalis, in qua affectiones generales telluris explicantur.

Varenius Berhardus, first edition


Atlas Major sive Cosmographia Blaviana -Tome one.

Part one of first edition of the famous Atlas major, with all instruments of Thyco Brahe


Sextans Astronomicus Thyco Brahe

from part one of first edition of the famous Atlas major, with all instruments of Thyco Brahe


Insula Hvena

From Part one of first edition of the famous Atlas major, with all instruments of Thyco Brahe


Sundial, Ian van Sÿchen Fecit Gandaui 5ien 24

Rare silver Belgian sundial signed by Jan van Sÿchen made circa 1670


Single-handed dividers

17 th century Single handed dividers 15 cm


Carte particulière des environs de Bruges. Ostende. Damme. l'Ecluse et autres

Map of the Belgian coast of Eugène-Henry Fricx


Carte Reduite des Côtes des Pays Bas

Carte Réduite des Côtes des Pays-Bas, by Beautemps-Beaupré & Decrès. Description Nautique des Côtes de Pays-Bas (depuis Ostende jusqu’a Hellevoetsluis)


7 Inch Quintant by A. Beaulieu à Bruxelles

Brass Quintant in nice Mahogeny box and instruments


Small 5 Inch Souding sextant Fisch Brussel

Small sounding sextant from Brussel André Fisch in dark Box. from kapt. Victor Moulard


A. Van der Voodt Sextant Vernier type

Belgian Vernier Sextant type. nr. 21 with box.


7 1/2 Martin Petersen Danisch 'octant'

Martin Petersen Svendborg Nr 8504


Zutphen kwadrant

facsimile of one of the oldest quadrants of the world, estimated to be from 1300. Most probably made in Flanders


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