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Pocket globe by Newton & Son

Newton’s Improved Terrestrial Globe; 3inch ( 7.5 cm) Pocket globe 1820-30

Type of object:

Maps and globes

Time period:

Britain rules the waves & France





Maker / Author:

John and William Newton & Son

Publisher / Printer:

Newton & Son


73 inch or 7.5 cm globe, 10 cm total


Papier Marche, paper gores, in fish skin-covered wood case ( chagrene)




3 inch




Directory of British Scientific Instruments makers 1550-1851 p 200: J. & W. Newton, Newton & Son

Dekker, Elly, et al. Globes at Greenwich: A Catalogue of the Globes and Armillary Spheres in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. London: Oxford University Press and the National Maritime Museum, 1999. pp. 422-23, and GLB0015 pag 427

Dekker, Elly and van der Krogt, Peter. Globes from the Western World. London: Zwemmer, 1993. pp. 115, 118.

Image by Austin Neill


7.5 cm (3 inches) terrestrial miniature pocket globe by the eminent globe makers [John] Newton & Son of London. The globe consists of twelve engraved hand-coloured, varnished gores, highlighted in bold original colours of red, yellow, and green. The globe is signed in the North Pacific Ocean region. The globe is complete with its original black fish skin-covered wood case, with a hinge and three brass hooks, and an eye clasp plus it has its matching indentations. The globe is mounted on a metal axis, it has polar circles and a meridian circle. The interior of the fish skin case is made up of twelve engraved gores with an original green wash colour showing the northern and southern hemispheres, plus the constellations of the zodiac and amusing mythical beasts. The interior of the case has a red rim. lncidentally, it should be noted that the case closes fully in order to protector transport the globe safely. Condition wise the case is slightly rubbed and worn and the re area few areas of slight discolouration - all of which is entirely consistent with a globe of this age. lt must be said that the genera! and overall condition of this globe is very good, it has been well looked after during its lifetime. This globe and case will make a worthy addition to any collection. Looking at the continents of the globe; the poles show the extent of their respective ice fields and show their surrounds. In the case of the South Pole, it shows the tracks of the English mariner and explorer John Briscoe and those of Capt. James Cook, along with the southern extremities of New Zealand, Australia, and Patagonia. The North Pole shows Siberia, northern Europe, Greenland, and northern Canada. The world's oceans highlight expeditions that circumnavigated the globe, plus the myriad of islands, both major and minor that are to be found throughout. Africa is crisscrossed with bisecting lines (equator, elliptical, etc.) and continues to use name out-of-date regions such as Nigrita, Nubia, Barbary, and Caffraria. By way of contrast, modern countries such as Libya, Guinea, Angola, and Zanzibar are named. Asia displays its many countries and regional places, once again with a solid mixture of the old (Russian Empire, Hindostan, Chinese Tartary, Birman Empire, etc.) and the new (Tibet, Malaya, Borneo, China). China's Great Wallis engraved. With regard to the Americas; Centra! America is called 'New Spain', and Mexico has thrust its way into the western interior of the United States. In the Caribbean, most islands are now identified and named. South America displays more information than it had previously, with more regions identified (Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Paraguay) and more cities named (Bogota, Rio de Janeiro, Lima, Quito). There is also more in the way of coastal informationI more islands are identifiedI and mountains and rivers are shown. Likewise, North America has more information with cities clearly identified (New Orleans, Washington, NV, Philadelphia) and recent territories (Louisiana). Florida now resembles its present shape, whereas in earlier editions it covered the entire Gulf of Mexico coastline.
Alaska is still known as 'Russian Territory' as this globe predates the U.S. purchase of it in 1867 for $7.2 million (less than2 cents per acre!). Canada too has more information, although it is still broadly labeled 'British Territory'• Australia by this time has more information to impart - although it is known equally as Australia or 'New Holland' and 'New South Wales continues to occupy most of eastern Australia. Now new names appear such as Sharks Bay, Dampier's Coast, Carpenteria, Port Jackson, Botany Bay, Spencer's Gulf, Kangaroo lsland, and Shoal Bay. Over in the west, the Swan River that runs through the city of Perth is identified. The heyday of pocket globes was during the Georgian period (ca. 1720- ca. 1840) when they were produced primarily for the pleasure of the English gentry as novelty items for those who were interested in geography and astronomy.

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