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Three Voyages of James Cook.

First French editions, 16 volumes of which one atlas

Type of object:


Time period:

Ontdekkingsreizigers 18e eeuw




Maker / Author:

1/ by Hawkesworth on the Endeavour 1774. 2 + 3/ by Jacques Cook l'Aventure & Résolution 1778-1785

Publisher / Printer:

chez Saillant et Nyon, Rue Sain-Jean-de-Beauvais (& chez) Panckoucke, Hôtel De Thou, Rue des Poitevins Paris, France


26,2 x 20,3 and Atlas 28,2 x 22,5 cm


Paper and leather





Image by Austin Neill


1/ The first voyage of James Cook was a combined Royal Navy and Royal Society expedition to the south Pacific Ocean aboard HMS Endeavour, from 1768 to 1771. It was the first of three Pacific voyages of which Cook was the commander. The aims of this first expedition were to observe the 1769 transit of Venus across the sun. 2/Complete set of the Second Voyage with all text pages and plates; in the same uniform contemporary full-leather binding as the Premier 3/ full-leather, uniform bindings for text and plate volumes; spines with five raised bands, decorative gilt lines and original red leather label for title, as well as original green leather label for volume number and for “Atlas”; all bindings in original and excellent condition; original polychrome marbled endpapers preserved; text volumes in-4° format

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